Sacred Heart of Jesus

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Sacred Heart of Jesus

June 16, 2023

From the mystical dialogue between Jesus and Sister Josefa Menéndez6
With a gesture of indescribable love He drew her into His Heart: “Come, and
take your rest here in My Heart.”…”Do not think that I love you more now that I
console you, than when I ask you to suffer.”… But the more feeble you are, the more
tenderly I love you.’
“I entreated Him again to give me a love true and strong,” she wrote…, “for
I believe that if I really loved Him in the right way I should be better able to
conquer myself. This was during my prayer, and Jesus came and said to me: ‘Yes,
Josefa, let your food be love and humility. But do not forget that I want you to be
always abandoned and happy, because My Heart cares for you tenderly.’ “Then I
explained how sad I feel that I cannot conquer myself nor correspond to so much
goodness.” “Never mind. Cast yourself into My Heart, and follow the guidance that
is given you. That will suffice.”… “I asked Him how we can console Him, since we
are so full of miseries and weakness. He answered me by pointing to His Heart: ‘I
make little account of all that,’ He said, ‘provided souls come to Me with confidence
and love. I Myself make up for all their frailty.’
“During the nine-o’clock Mass,” she wrote…, “Jesus came with a radiant
Heart. It might have been the sun. “Behold the Heart that gives life to souls,” He
said. “The fire of this love is stronger than the indifference and ingratitude
of men.” “Behold the Heart that bestows on the souls He has chosen a vehement
desire to consume themselves, and if necessary, die to prove Me their love.” “His
words were so forcible that they went through and through my soul. Then,
glancing at me, He continued: ‘Sinners tear Me to pieces and fill My Heart with
sorrow… Will not you, My chosen little victim, repair all this ingratitude?’
“I asked Him what He would have me do, for He knows my helplessness well.
‘My will is that you should enter deeply into My Heart today; there you will find
strength to suffer. Do not reflect on your helplessness; My Heart is powerful
enough to sustain you. It is yours; take from It all you need. Be consumed in It …
offer this Heart and this Blood to the Eternal Father. Cease to live except a life of
love, reparation, and suffering.’”
That evening during Benediction Jesus again manifested Himself, and from
His Heart there streamed light. “A little group of fervent souls can obtain mercy
for many sinners,” He said, “for My Heart cannot resist their prayers…”
“After a few minutes of silence He continued: ‘Come near Me, Josefa, rest on
My Heart and share Its grief. So many fill It with sorrow, but your love will comfort
Me.’ “As He drew me nearer to His Heart, mine was instantly drowned in
inexpressible sorrow and bitterness. I knew that I could not assuage His grief, for
I am so powerless . . . so I offered Him His own pain, to supply for the insufficiency
of mine… For a long while I stayed in silence, adoring, humbling myself and asking
forgiveness for souls; Jesus then said: ‘Repair, Josefa, for those who ought to but
do not make reparation.”…
“Ask forgiveness for the sins of the world. O! how they sin… how many are
lost… souls that once knew and loved Me… but now they prefer their own
enjoyment and pleasure to My Heart… where shall I find relief for My distress?’ “I
said to Him: ‘Why, here Lord, in this house, in our souls… there are still many
everywhere who love Thee.’ ‘Yes, I know, but those are the souls I seek; I love them
with a boundless love.’

6 Sister Josefa Menéndez. The Way of Divine Love – or The Message of the Sacred Heart to the
World. Westminster, Maryland: The Newman Press, 1950. 150-151, 154, 156, 159.


June 16, 2023
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