Vigils Reading

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Vigils Reading

November 6, 2023


From the writing of Blessed Madeleine Delbrêl2


If we want to receive the grace of fraternal charity from the Eucharist, we must situate our soul close to what happens in heaven, we must surrender ourselves to Our Lord so that he makes us participate in his adoration, in his acts of grace, in his supplications, because fraternal charity is only one small consequence of what happens between Jesus and his Father in heaven…

When the priest distributes the Host at Mass, Jesus is there, completely for us, without choosing between us, without limitation, without making categories between people. As long as we make categories of people, we cannot say that we live a Eucharistic life. This Eucharistic idea of unity goes beyond the idea of fraternity.

If we reflect on the changes that it brings to the evangelical virtues, the idea of poverty, for example, which consists more in sharing than in not having, we would then have the certainty that everything we possess belongs to others. If we knew that the same vital impulse flows between everyone, we would have less difficulty in obeying. “Obedience ends where love begins.” Thus, we would do our will in doing that of others.

All this intensity of charity pushed to the edge is not yet the edge of Jesus’ charity in the Eucharist since he is a presence to the whole world. He is the true Worshipper, the satisfied Distributor, clothed with every grace, filled with all the gifts of the source of life. It is here that we can learn to live a life of intimacy with the whole world.

Each of us should be, following Jesus’ example, the sole worshipper for the whole world, because if our heart is surrendered to the Eucharist, it is present to all human hearts. We do not take far enough the notion of deep intimacy with the whole human family in a complete participation with all suffering or lifelessness in the world. Therefore, pity for others should awaken in us through the heart of Jesus. Thus, we become a benevolent and welcoming presence to them.

We do not have the right to make rankings of people. We do not have the right to take sides in certain social deficiencies. It is only through the heart of Jesus that we can understand equality, that we can pass through the suffering life of each person and learn to offer what is good in everyone just as it is in the Host, which does not refuse itself to anyone who desires it, that we can carry to everyone the strength of Christ, just as he, Jesus, does not refuse to enter the mouth of every human who desires him.

It is to the extent to which we will be faithful to the Eucharistic life in us that we will turn toward others to welcome them among us, and we will only attain this love for others by knowing the love with which we ourselves are loved. Then, we will become perfect imitators

2 Delbrêl, Madeleine. The Dazzling Light of God – A Madeleine Delbrêl Reader. Trans. Mary Dudro Gordon. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2023. 129-133.




November 6, 2023
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