33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 19, 2023

From a commentary by St John Chrysostom 1
In the parable of the talents the Master entrusted money to his servants and
then set out on a journey. This was to help us understand how patient he is, though
in my view this story also refers to the resurrection. Here it is a question not of a
vineyard and vine dressers, but of all workers. The Master is addressing everyone,
not only rulers, or the Jews.

Those bringing him their profit acknowledge frankly what is their own, and
what is their Master’s. One says: Sir, you gave me five talents; another says: You
gave me two, recognizing that they had received from him the means of making a
profit. They are extremely grateful, and attribute to him all their success.
What does the Master say then? Well done, good and faithful servant (for
goodness shows itself in concern for one’s neighbor). Because you have proved
trustworthy in managing a small amount, I will give you charge of a greater sum:
come and share your Master’s joy.

But one servant has a different answer. He says: I knew you were a hard man,
reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not winnowed; and
I was afraid, and hid your talent. Here it is – you have back what belongs to you.
What does the Master say to that? You wicked servant! You should have put
my money in the bank, that is, “You should have spoken out and given
encouragement and advice.” “But no one will pay attention.” “That is not my concern. You should have deposited the money” he says, “and left me to reclaim it,
which I would have done with interest,” meaning by interest the good works that
are seen to follow the hearing of the word. “The easier part is all you were expected
to do, leaving the harder part to me.” Because the servant failed to do this, the
Master said: Take the talent away from him, and give it to the servant who has ten
talents. For to everyone who has more will be given, and he will have enough and to
spare; but the one who has not will forfeit even the little he has.

What is the meaning of this? That whoever has received for the good of
others the ability to preach and teach, and does not use it, will lose that ability,
whereas the zealous servant will be given greater ability, even as the other forfeits
what he had.

Journey with the Fathers – Year A – New City Press – NY -1999 – pg 142-143.


November 19, 2023
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