Vigils Reading

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Vigils Reading

March 1, 2024


From a sermon by Caesarius of Arles6


If any one of us is in conflict with another, let us end the quarrel lest we

ourselves end badly. Do not consider this unimportant, my beloved. Let us call

to mind that our life here is mortal and frail, that it is endangered by many and

great temptations, and this makes us pray that we may not be overcome. And

so, we realize that even the just are not without some sins. But there is one

remedy which enables us to keep alive. For God, our Master, told us to say in

our prayers: “Forgive us the wrong we have done as we forgive those who wrong

us.” We have made a contract with God and taken a resolution that the wrong

must be forgiven. This makes us ask with complete confidence to be forgiven

provided we too forgive.

If, on the contrary, we do not forgive, how can we in good conscience hope

that our sins will be forgiven? Let us not deceive ourselves: God deceived no

one. It is human to be angry, but I wish it were impossible. It is human to

become angry but let us not water the small plant born of anger with various

suspicions. Let us not permit it to develop into a tree of hatred. It happens also

frequently that a father is angry with his son, but he does not hate the son. He

is angry because he wishes to correct the son. If this is his purpose, his anger is

animated by love.

We read in Scripture: “Why look at the speck in your brother’s eye when

you miss the plank in your own?” You find fault with another person for being

angry, and you keep hatred in yourself. Anger in comparison with hatred is only

a speck, but if the speck is fostered, it becomes a plank. If, on the contrary, you

pluck out the speck and cast it away, it will amount to nothing.

Our Master says in another place: “Anyone who hates his brother is a

murderer.” Those who hate their brother, walk around, go out, come in, march

on, are not burdened by any chains and are not shut up in any prison, but they

are bound by their guilt. Do not think of them as not being imprisoned. Their

heart is in prison. When you hear: “He who hates his brother is in darkness all

the while,” lest you might despise that darkness, the evangelist adds: “Anyone

who hates his brother is a murderer.”

You hate your brothers and sisters and walk safely around and refuse to

be reconciled with them, and God has given you time and opportunity. Yet you

are a murderer and are still alive. If you felt God’s wrath you would be suddenly

snatched away with your hatred toward others. God spares you; spare others

likewise; make up and seek reconciliation with them. But suppose you want

reconciliation and another does not want it. That is enough for you; you have

something to grieve for, you have freed yourself. If you want agreement and the

other refuses, say confidently: “Forgive us the wrong we have done as we forgive

those who wrong us.”


6 Fraternal Harmony (Morin Sermon 185) 1-2: PLS IV, 446-447. (CR VI p 215)13





March 1, 2024
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