Vigils Reading

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Vigils Reading

September 24, 2024


From a sermon by Blessed Guerric of Igny1


By comparison with the evil of damnation, it is a good thing to be saved

by fire; without any doubt it is much better to be made perfect by the mere

cleansing of fear; and best of all not to be even disturbed by fear.

For that reason, be ready, O true Israel, to meet the Lord, so that you may

not only open to him when he comes and knocks, but may run to meet him,

eager and joyful, while he is still far off, and, confident about the day of

judgment, pray earnestly that his kingdom may come. If you want to be found

ready then, take the advice of Wisdom and prepare justice for yourself before

the judgment. May you be prepared to do every good work and no less prepared

to suffer every evil so that your lips may sing without any reproach from your

heart: “My heart is ready, Lord, my heart is ready, ready with your help to do

good, ready to suffer ill, and so ready for both that I will sing and give praise in

my glory that is, I will rejoice and glory whichever comes.”

And at once the just man rouses himself in this matter, saying: “Arise

psaltery and harp,” that is, my heart and my body, to rejoice in the living God.

The heart is meant on account of its spiritual activity, the body because of its

passions. For the heart relishing the things that are above is a psaltery giving

forth heavenly music; the body suffering things of earth is a lyre producing

worldly music. So it is that elsewhere David, offering his devoted service to God,

says: “I am ready to keep your commandments, and so ready that I am not

troubled when temptation breaks in on me and persecution rages. Let my rival

pursue me, my servant curse me, my own son seek my life, even so I am not

troubled about not keeping the commandments of evangelical perfection. I will

render good for evil to those who return evil for good; will be solicitous for the7

safety of those who persecute me, mourning their death; will bear with the

reproaches of my servant, not permitting my honor to be vindicated by a

friend.”… And because he was so prepared he went confidently to meet his Lord.

“Without iniquity,” he says, “have I run, and directed whatever was perverse in

me so far as I was able.”

Therefore, do rise up to meet me coming to meet you, for I cannot reach

your heights unless, stooping low to the work of your hands, you stretch out

your right hand. Rise up to meet me and see if there be in me the way of iniquity.

And if you do find it there unknown to me, remove it from me, and, having

compassion on me with regard to your law, lead me in the eternal way, which is

Christ. He is the way by which we journey, the eternity at the journey’s end; he

is the spotless way, the blessed dwelling place.


September 24, 2024
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