LCG Chicago Monthly Meeting 9 am CST

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LCG Chicago Monthly Meeting 9 am CST

November 9, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

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Meeting ID: 860 2835 6465

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9:00 Gather for Opening prayer and lighting of the candles illuminating the Theotokos icon of Blessed Mother Mary and the baby Jesus.

We also pray for all our lay Cistercian sisters and brothers in the US and around the world.  Specially we pray for our Gethsemani monks.  Finally, we pray this month specially for these Gethsemani monks:

Br. Godric Hathorn

Fr. Raphael Hodari

Br. Alberic Henry

 9:10 Lectio. Our lectio piece will be led by Tom Kosnik.

 9:50 Reading.  Our reading this month is to prepare for Advent by reading Pope Benedict’s The Infancy Narratives: Jesus of Nazareth (chapters 1 and 2).

10:45 Housekeeping.   Volunteer to lead lectio next month?  Chicago Report on LCG Advisory Council activity.  Plans for international meeting in 2025 and Anglophone lead-ins thereto. Finally, we will celebrate Mary Ann’s LCG commitment and share thoughts about the October, 2023 LCG Retreat at Gethsemani.

11:00 Update.   Share how the Holy Spirt has entered our lives as lay Cistercians since our last meeting.

11:45 Closing worship and prayer.  We will pray the liturgical hour of None as with our Gethsemani monks (identical Psalms as done today at Gethsemani Abbey.)

Our next meeting: December 14, 2024.


November 9, 2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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