Vigils Reading

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Vigils Reading

July 28, 2023


From the writings of Nil Sorsky6


By fighting against the first appearance of the thought… we cut off all that would follow. Such a person who battles in so wise a manner turns away the mother of evil, namely, the wicked assault. And he ought to strive to make his mind deaf and speechless in prayer…

However, if you cannot pray without thoughts in a silenced heart, but you find the thoughts multiplying, do not become discouraged, but remain in prayer. It is a well- known experience, as blessed Gregory of Sinai insists, that we who are laden by passions are aware that no beginner can control his mind and drive away thoughts that attack him unless God supports him and helps him to dispel such thoughts. It is the prerogative of the strong to hold the mind in check and drive away all thoughts, but even these do not turn away all thoughts by themselves, but they are supported in their struggles by God, who arms them with his grace and all his defenses.

If you see, Gregory says, the impurity of evil spirits in the thoughts that are presented in your mind, do not be frightened and do not wonder, even if such thoughts seem good to you. Do not give any attention to them, but… enclose your mind in your heart, as you arm yourself by calling on the Lord Jesus. Appeal to him, as often and consciously as possible, and the thoughts will dissolve as they are burnt up by the fiery, invisible rays radiating from your calling on the divine Name…

If you find yourself becoming a bit slothful and fatigued, then call on God for help and force yourself to continue praying as best you can, never giving up on praying. Then all such thoughts will depart from you, as they are driven out by God’s help. When you calm the mind from such phantasms, then enter into your heart and pray the prayer of the heart… For even though there are many good works, their value is only a partial good. The prayer of the heart is the source of all good and is likened to gardens that are refreshed by water, so does this prayer of the heart refresh the soul…

The attaining of this work, namely, the pushing of the mind down into the heart, which becomes freed of all thoughts, is difficult to accomplish, not only for beginners, but also for well-advanced persons in this work, if the latter have not yet received and maintained the sweetness of prayer in their hearts through the workings of grace. And we know from experience that for weak persons this work is very difficult and not very agreeable. However, when any person has obtained grace, then he prays without difficulty and lovingly, since he is comforted by grace. “And when the action of the prayer takes over,” Gregory of Sinai says, “then truly the mind lives within the heart and brings joy and freedom to the person from all enslavement.”..


6 Nil Sorsky. The Complete Writings. Trans. George A. Maloney, S.J. New York: Paulist Press, 2003. 53-56.




July 28, 2023
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