Vigils Reading

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Vigils Reading

April 13, 2024


From a sermon by St John Chrysostom7


Yesterday I was crucified with Christ; today I am glorified with him.

Yesterday I died with him; today I am given life with him. Yesterday I was buried

with him; today I rise again with him. Today let us offer him, not gold or silver

or precious things, – rather, let us offer him ourselves, which to God is the most

precious and becoming of gifts. Let us offer to His image what is made in the

image and likeness of the Image. And let us recognize our own dignity. Let us

give honor to Him in whose likeness we were made. Let us dwell upon the

wonder of this mystery, that we may understand for what Christ has died.

Let us become like Christ, since Christ became like us. Let us become

Gods because of Him, since He for us became man. He took upon Himself a low

degree that He might give us a higher one. He became poor, that through His

poverty we might become rich. He took upon Himself the form of a servant that

we might be delivered from slavery. He came down that we might rise up. He

was tempted that we might learn to overcome. He was despised that we might

be given honor. He died that He might save us from death. He ascended to

heaven that we who lie prone in sin may be lifted up to Him.

Let each one of you give all to Him. Offer all to Him Who gave Himself in

exchange for us, as the price of our redemption. But should <we> come to

understand this mystery in Christ, and that what He did He has done for <us>,

<we> shall give nothing unless <we> give <our> own selves. For all that is His

He has given you.


7 The Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers – vol. 2 – Henry Regnery Co – Chicago – 1958 – pg



April 13, 2024
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