Vigils Reading

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Vigils Reading

September 10, 2024


From a homily by Ogier of Locedio1


This most holy Virgin Mary was of royal lineage: Joachim was her father,

and Anne her mother. She is that mighty woman presaged by the Lord when,

at the time of Eve’s undoing, he told the serpent, ‘You shall lie in wait for her

heel, and she shall trample your head.’ She is that mighty Virgin who trampled

the head of the dragon by her power… Through her the Lord delivered our first

parents, Adam and Eve, from everlasting death… She is that valiant woman,

endowed with strength and choicest virtue, of whom Solomon spoke: Who shall

find a valiant woman? Hers is a prize far beyond all bounds. Indeed, her prize

was none other than the Son of God the Father, who from far beyond all

bounds… marvelously and ineffably entered the enclosure of the virginal


How greatly God’s angels rejoiced when thus the restoration of

humankind was secured! The whole world leapt for joy, heaven thundered with

praise, the earth danced for delight, her song of joy soon joined by the skies

above and the seas below… so the whole universe took on its pristine glory as

that most blessed daughter was told: Virgin Mother of God, your birth is news

of joy to all the world! If therefore all the orders of angels rejoice in the birth

of Mary the Mother of God, let all orders of monks rejoice therein as well. If

heaven and earth rejoice, then all Christ’s consecrated virgins also. Let

everyone rejoice… with great joy, for the birth of Mary the sacred Virgin spells

joy for the whole of heaven and earth.

Thus Mary, the morning star that drives away all darkness, came forth

from her mother’s womb beautiful as the moon, sought-out as the sun, dreadful

as a well-armed camp, the glorious light that came forth from the darkness,7

within whose womb Light itself would shine. From Jesse’s root there came the

Virgin who would bear the flower. It is she who says, I am the flower of the

field and the lily of the valleys’. Before that fragrant flower all other flowers lose

the sweetness of their scent… By means of Anna and Joachim God created that

remedy whereby humankind would be freed from everlasting death. Through…

blessed Mary, the Lord gives light to the blind, heals the sick, raises the dead,

frees us from sin, justifies us through grace, and crowns us with his glory.

Let therefore all the just rejoice at the birth of her through whom they

have been justified. Let the blessed rejoice who through her have been made

blessed… Let them approach the blessed child, the sublime Queen on high. Let

them embrace her, let them cradle her in the arms of perfect love. Let them

bear her in their hearts, her praises ever on their tongues, so as to possess her

with their love. For this is no woman to be slighted, this is no ordinary mother:

this is blessed Mary, wholly sweet and lovable…

She is the sweetness of myrrh, the absence of all bitterness. She who was

never to dwell in the bitterness of sin is rightly named Mary. She never sinned

nor ever wished to sin, in thought or word or deed. Wholly beautiful, there was

no blemish in her; only thus could she become the Mother of the Lord…


September 10, 2024
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