Vigils Reading

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Vigils Reading

January 23



From a sermon by St Bernard of Clairvaux


My brethren, I beseech you, be on your guard all the time, for this is the

hour of battle… Let us stand firmly at our post. Let us lean with all our strength

on the invincible rock which is Christ, in accordance with these words from the

scriptures: “He set my feet on a rock, and ordered my goings”. Thus set up and

fortified, let us apply ourselves to contemplation: we shall see what is said to us

and what we should answer to him who reproaches us.

The first stage of contemplation…is that we should ceaselessly consider

the Lord’s wishes as to what pleases him, what he wants. For we all make many

mistakes. Our want of simplicity bruises the honesty of his will, and this

prevents us from unifying ourselves, from cleaving to him. So let us humble

ourselves beneath the mighty hand of the Most High God and hasten to lay our

wretchedness before the eyes of his mercy, saying, “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall

be healed; save me, and I shall be saved”, and again, “Lord, be merciful to me,

heal my soul, for I have sinned against you’.

When the eye of the heart has been purified by this kind of thought we no

longer live with a heart full of bitterness but in the joys which are found in the

Spirit of God. And now we consider no longer what is God’s will for us, but what

this will is in itself. For God wills life, and nothing is better or more profitable

than to conform to his will. That is why the eagerness with which we try to

preserve our life should be directed, as far as possible, into never swerving from

the path which brings us to God’s will…

Let us recall how gentle the Lord is, how good he is in himself. With the

prophet let us ask to see the Lord’s will, let us ask him to bring us, no longer to

our hearts but to his temple, “to behold the fair beauty of the Lord, and to visit

his temple”. And in addition let us say with him, “My God, my soul is vexed

within me: therefore will I remember you”.

These two things embrace the content of the whole spiritual life: at the

sight of ourselves we are troubled and contrite, and in fear of our salvation;

while in contemplating God we find relief, and the joy of the Holy Spirit brings

us consolation. On one side, fear and humility; on the other, hope and love.


January 23
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