From the Collected Works of Saint Rafael Arnaiz
One must walk so many tortured paths to arrive at simplicity. Complication
is such an uncomfortable thing…and we human beings like to complicate
everything for ourselves. Often, if we fail to practice virtue, it’s because our
complicated nature rejects what is simple. Often, we fail to appreciate the
magnificence hidden within an act of simplicity, because we look for greatness in
complicated things; we judge the magnificence of things based on their difficulty…
I clearly see that what seemed dark and complicated to me before is actually
rather simple and straightforward. Virtue…God…the interior life, how difficult I
thought it was to live that! It’s not that I’m virtuous now, or that I have a
completely clear knowledge of God and spiritual life, but I’ve realized that you get
there without complications or complexities, without clever philosophy, without
technical challenges. I’ve come to see that you reach God in precisely the opposite
manner. You come to know Him through simplicity of heart and being
uncomplicated. There’s nothing difficult about acts of love… What’s truly difficult
is wanting to know God by searching out His mysteries. The former leads us to
God, and the latter does not…
So, then, why do we lack virtue at times? Because we aren’t simple; because
we complicate our desires; because everything we want is made difficult by our
weak will, which gets carried away by whatever is pleasing, comfortable, and
unnecessary, and often by its passions. We lack virtue not because it is difficult, but
because we don’t want it. We lack patience…because we don’t want it. We lack
temperance…because we don’t want it. We lack chastity…for the same reason. We
would be saints if we wanted to be…it’s much harder to become an engineer than it
is to become a saint. If only we had faith!
The interior life…the spiritual life, a life of prayer. “My God! That must be
difficult!” But it’s not at all. Get rid of everything in your heart that’s in the way,
and you’ll find God there. That’s it. Often we look for things that aren’t there, and
on the other hand we’ll walk right by a treasure without seeing it…We look for Him
in a whole tangled mess of things, and to us, the more complicated they are, the
better. And all the while, we are carrying God around inside of us, yet we don’t look
for Him there. Collect yourself within…gaze upon your nothingness, gaze upon the
nothingness of the world, place yourself at the foot of the cross, and if you are
simple, you will see God… All we have to do is want Him, and God will fill the soul
again in such a way that you’d have to be blind not to see it.
If a soul wants to live according to God’s ways…it must be rid of everything
that is not Him…and that is it. It’s quite easy. If we wanted to, and if we asked God
with simplicity, we would make great progress in the spiritual life. If we wanted to
be saints, we would be… But we’re such fools that we don’t want to…We prefer to
waste time on stupid vanities. We’ll regret that someday.
But I am very happy, because I have come to see that everything is simple
and straightforward…and this is within my reach.