From a sermon by St Ambrose
What is regeneration? You can read in the Acts of the Apostles a verse
which is cited from the second psalm: “You are my son, I have begotten you
today”. The words seem to refer to the resurrection. Indeed, the holy apostle
Peter interprets them in this way in the Acts of the Apostles: when the Son rose
from the dead the Father’s voice was heard proclaiming: “You are my son, I have
begotten you today.” That is why he is also called “the first-born from the dead.
For what is resurrection except that we rise from death to life? So it is in baptism,
which is an image of death: when you are immersed and rise up again, there,
certainly, is an image of the resurrection. And as Christ’s resurrection, according
to the right interpretation of the apostle Peter, is a regeneration, so also this
resurrection here is a regeneration.
But what conclusions do you draw from the fact that it is in water that you
are immersed. Are you a little lost here? Does some doubt creep in. We read:
“Let the earth produce for herself fruits which germinate.” You have read the
same about the waters: “Let the waters produce living things; and living things
were born”. These were born in the beginning, at the creation; but this gift was
kept for you: that the waters should regenerate you in grace, even as those other
waters generated into life. Imitate the fish; it received a lesser grace than you, but
you should still consider it a marvel. It is in the sea and the waves. It is in the sea
and swims on the waves. On the sea the tempest rages, violent winds blow; but
the fish swims on. It does not drown because it is used to swimming. In the same
way this world is the sea for you. It has various currents, huge waves, fierce
storms. You too, must be a fish, so that the waves of this world do not drown you.
Those are lovely words of the Father: “I have begotten you today.” It means
“when you have redeemed the world, when you have summoned hearts to the
kingdom of heaven, when you have fulfilled my will, you have proved that you are
my son.”