By Stephen of Sawley
After you have cleared the battle-line of your mind, consider next the
glory and happiness of the heavenly city of Jerusalem. Consider, for instance,
wherein consists the glory of its saints, or how great is its joy where Beauty itself
reigns supreme, where dwells Virtue, Power, Magnificence, Majesty and
Supreme Goodness—in a word, the triune God who is all in all, who enlightens
all with knowledge and inflames all with love. Here are all the holy angels, more
glittering than bright stars, and the patriarchs, rejoicing in their victorious faith;
here is the stately group of jubilant prophets, and the glorious choir of the
Apostles. Here are the countless rows of martyrs who were victorious in combat
and have received their crowns. Here are all the confessors rewarded for their
fortitude, and the multitude of virgins crowned with lilies. Here are all the
blessed who observed God’s commandments and transformed their earthly
assets into heavenly treasures.
How eagerly must we long for their happy and holy company! How
severely must we censure ourselves for being sluggish, lukewarm, and obdurate
in the very sight of such majesty! How we must blush that we did not fear their
holy glances, but sinned before their very eyes and continue to do so up to this
very day. Confess your shortcomings, therefore, and say: ‘Father, I have sinned
against heaven and against you’. I did not fear your holy angels and saints. I am
not worthy to be called your son. Treat me, therefore, as one of your hired men
so that, at least by fearing punishment and hoping for reward, I may stay away
from sin and fear you, my Lord, as your servant, unworthy as I am to love you in
the way a son does.
All you angels, archangels, virtues, powers, principalities, dominations,
thrones, cherubs, and seraphs, all you saints and elect of God who are fellow
citizens of heaven and behold God directly in joyful contemplation, please keep
me in your prayers so that the enemy may never deceive me and that, through
your intercession, my prayer may ascend to your holy temple where glory is
given to God the Father, the Son, and to the Holy Spirit now and for all ages to