By Pope St Leo the Great
This sacred season is dedicated to the purification of the soul, let us
therefore be careful to fulfill the Apostolic command that we cleanse ourselves
from all defilement of the flesh and of the spirit, so that restraining the conflict
that exists between the one and the other substance, the soul, which in the
Providence of God is meant to be the ruler of the body, may regain the dignity of
its rightful authority, so that, giving offense to no one, we may not incur the
contumely of evil mongers. With just contempt shall we be tormented by those
who have no faith, and from our wickedness evil tongues will draw weapons to
wound religion, if the way of life of those who fast be not in accord with what is
needed in true self-denial. For the sum total of our fasting does not consist in
merely abstaining from food. In vain do we deny our body food if we do not
withhold our heart from iniquity, and restrain our lips that they speak no evil.
We must then so moderate our rightful use of food that our other desires
may be subject to the same rule. For this is also a time for gentleness and
patience, a time of peace and serenity, in which having put away all stains of evil
doing we strive after steadfastness in what is good. Now is the time when
generous Christian souls forgive offenses, pay no heed to insults, and wipe out
the memory of past injuries. Now let the Christian soul exercise itself in the
amour of justice, on the right hand and on the left, so that amid honor and
dishonor, evil report and good, the praise of all will not make proud the virtue
that is well rooted, the conscience that has peace, nor dishonor cast it down.
The moderation of those who worship God is not melancholy, but blameless.
Therefore, you Dearly Beloved, the holy offspring of the Catholic Mother,
Whom the Spirit of God has taught in the School of Truth, use your freedom of
action with right reason, knowing that it is good to abstain, even from what is
lawful; and when you must practice self-denial, so abstain from food as merely
putting aside its use, not as condemning its nature. And so you will not allow
yourselves in any way to be infected by the error of those who are completely
defiled by their own observance of it; serving the creature rather than the
Creator; and dedicating their own stupid observance to the lights of heaven.