Vigils Reading

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Vigils Reading

July 4, 2023


A Sermon by Isaac of Stella3 ◊◊◊

“A great storm arose on the sea.” The wind that was against them is the hot north wind from which comes all evil. Well knowing its fury, the soul banishes it by saying, “North wind, be off; wind of the south, blow through this garden of mine, and set its fragrance astir.” There can be no doubt that the contrary wind is the devil, is Satan who stirs up the depths of the sea, namely, the children of this world, and attempts by instigating frequent storms of opposition to shipwreck the Church. In his power he disturbs even the mountains because of the bitter trials that overtake them. Where now, I ask, is the Power of him whom they have followed on to the boat, the power that made them boast in their confidence: “Not for us to be afraid, though earth should tremble about us, and the hills be carried away into the depth of the sea?”

By now the waters, the mountainous waves of the deep, rage and roar, and those mountains of his Church or mountains of the little ship, are in a proper panic over the force and fury of the elements. Why have they lost their bearings? Why are they afraid? Their strong Saviour is asleep. Where Christ their Strength sleeps their fear holds sway, for then the sea’s fury rises and a man forgets his faith in Christ.

While Christ’s power is inoperative it is a good thing that fear should dominate; it will in due time force the frightened and their slight and sleepy faith to seek safety with him with whom they should have kept their strength, and far from being afraid could have claimed: “God is our refuge and strong hold amid the bitter trials that overtake us.” Instead, they have to beg Christ to wake up and save them because if he sleeps on they will drown. The best thing the disciples could have done would have been to keep their Master from sleeping; they did the next best thing and woke him from sleep. In place of courage and glowing faith they had but fear and a confession of need. Love keeps Christ awake; necessity wakes him from sleep. What a good thing it is, nonetheless, to have to make a virtue of necessity!

For seeking counsel and help is indeed virtuous, though not as virtuous as having the courage that prevents fear. So, brothers, whenever persecution rages against us, let us, after the holy Apostle’s example, have recourse to Christ. Let us enliven our faith in Christ and awake the memory of his Passion, that sleeping of his that this sleeping in the boat fittingly refers to. By ourselves we become either weak and fearful or indulge in foolhardy fortitude; in Christ we find the very pattern of patience and he endows us with… virtuous endurance teaching us true constancy. Separated from him we are forever failures; joined to him we are fit for anything; as the blessed Apostle says, “Nothing is beyond my powers, thanks to the strength he gives me.”

How true it is that the Lord’s eyelids appraise us! When he closes his eyes the sea rages, everything becomes savagely difficult. May we not be broken! He opens his eyes, all is calm, it is all smooth sailing. May we not become proud! For when all is quiet, all is safe, may we not become lazy. In foul weather we must hope for fair and in fair weather we must beware of foul. Changes are always going on and one thing follows another. The truly wise man will be more anxious in prosperity than in adversity, and in neither will such a person grow lazy and surrender to slumber; not for such to either despair or become complacent. So, brothers, with fear and hope for escort, let us keep ever alive in us faith in our Lord Jesus Christ

3 Isaac of Stella. Sermons on the Christian Year: Volume One. CF 11. Trans. Hugh McCaffery. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1979. 110-111.




July 4, 2023
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