From a sermon by Blessed Guerric of Igny
The solemnity of the Lord’s Annunciation providentially interrupts the
days of our Lenten observance, so that we are able to refresh ourselves with
spiritual joy in the midst of the physical austerities which weigh so heavily on us.
Having been humbled by penitential sorrow, we are now encouraged by the
announcement of the one who takes away the sins of the world. This is just what
Scripture says: Grief makes the heart heavy, but a kind word makes it glad.
It is indeed a kind word, a reliable word in which you can believe, this
gospel of our salvation which the angel sent by God announced to Mary on this
day. It is a joyful word which day utters unto day, the angel to the virgin,
concerning the incarnation of the Word. It promises a son to the Virgin, and at
the same time pardon to sinners, redemption to captives, release to the
imprisoned, life to those in the grave. In foretelling the Son’s kingdom and
announcing the glory of the righteous, it makes hell fearful and gives joy to
heaven. By the revelation of these mysteries and by the new joys it brings them,
it seems to have increased the perfection of the angels.
Is there an afflicted person who would not be cheered by this kind word,
or anyone whose lowliness it would not console? Remember your word to your
servant by which you gave me hope, sang David. It was this which consoled me
when I was brought low. He received only a promise, a word which did not
show any sign of coming true. The delay in the fulfillment of his desire
distressed him, but he took comfort by hoping firmly in the good faith of the one
who had made the promise. If David could sustain his spirit with just the hope of
3 A Word in Season – vol/ IV – Augustinian Press p 1991 – pg 52.7
the salvation which was being kept for us, with what joy and delight ought we
not to greet its realization?
Blessed are the mourners because they will be comforted, blessed those
whose hearts are afflicted by a holy grief because they shall be gladdened by a
kind word. Clearly the kind word which consoles is your all-powerful Word, O
Lord, which came today from the heavenly throne into the womb of a virgin.
There, too, he made a royal throne, and from there he consoles those who
mourn on earth even while he sits as king surrounded by the hosts of angels in