By St John Henry Newman
The very first act of the Apostles after Christ was gone out of their sight,
was the ordination of Matthias in the place of the traitor Judas. That ordination
is related very minutely. Every particular of it is full of instruction; but at
present I wish to draw attention to one circumstance more especially: namely,
the time when it occurred. It was contrived (if one may say so) exactly to fall
within the very short interval which elapsed between the departure of our Lord,
and the arrival of the Comforter in His place: on that ‘little while,’ during which
the Church was comparatively left alone in the world. Then it was that St Peter
rose and declared with authority, that the time was come for supplying the
vacancy which Judas had made. ‘One,’ said he, ‘must be ordained;’ and without
delay they proceeded to the ordination. Of course, St Peter must have had from
our Lord express authority for this step. Otherwise it would seem most natural
to defer a transaction so important until the unerring Guide, the Holy Spirit,
should have come among them, as they knew he would in a few days.
On the other hand, since the Apostles were eminently Apostles of our
Incarnate Lord, since their very being, as Apostles, depended entirely on their
personal mission from him…one should naturally have expected that he himself
before his departure would have supplied the vacancy by personal designation.
But we see it was not his pleasure to do so. As the Apostles afterwards brought
on the ordination sooner, so he had deferred it longer than might have been
expected. Both ways it should seem as if there were a purpose of bringing the
event within those ten days, during which, as I said, the church was left to
herself; left to exercise her faith and hope, much as Christians are left now,
without any miraculous aid or extraordinary illumination from above. Then, at
that moment of the New Testament history in which the circumstances of
believers corresponded most nearly to what they have been since miracles and
inspiration ceased, — just at that time it pleased our Lord that afresh Apostle
should be consecrated, with authority and commission as ample as the former
enjoyed. In a word, it was his will that the eleven Disciples alone, not himself
personally, should name the successor of Judas; and that they chose the right
person, he gave testimony very soon after, by sending his Holy Spirit on St
Matthias, as richly as on St John, St James, or St Peter.