Vigils Reading – Office for Vocations

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Vigils Reading – Office for Vocations

July 12, 2024


From the writing of St John Paul II6


Faith and love are not just words or vague feelings. Believing and loving

God means a consistent life, lived wholly in the light of the Gospel. This is not

easy. It often calls for great courage in going against the trends of fashion and

the opinions of our world. But this is the one requirement for a truly successful

and happy life.

If, in spite of your personal effort to follow Christ you are sometimes weak

and do not live in conformity to the law of love, to the commandments, do not

be discouraged. Christ continues to wait for you. He, Jesus, is the Good

Shepherd who searches for the lost sheep and who tenderly bears it on his

shoulder. Christ is the friend who never lets you down.

In the gospel story we see that the young man, having affirmed that he

has kept the commandments, adds: “What do I still lack?” The young heart,

moved by God’s grace, felt a desire for greater generosity, more commitment,

greater love. This desire for more is characteristic of youth; a heart that is in

love does not calculate, does not begrudge, it wants to give of itself without

measure. “Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, come, follow me.”

To those who entered the path of life by observing the commandments,

the Lord proposes new horizons; the Lord proposes to the means that are loftier

and calls them to commit themselves to his love without reserve. To discover

this call, this vocation, is to realize that Christ is looking on you and inviting you

by his glance to give yourself totally in love. Before this glance, before his love,

the heart opens its doors gradually and is capable of saying yes.

If some of you hear the call to follow Christ more closely, to dedicate your

entire heart to him, like the apostles John and Paul, be generous, do not be

afraid, because you have nothing to fear when the prize that you await is God

Himself, for whom, sometimes without ever knowing it, all young people are


Young people who are hastening to me, young people who more than

anything else want to know what you must do to gain eternal life, always say yes

to God and he will fill you with his happiness.

“There is one thing you lack, come, follow me”. Is Jesus perhaps repeating

to some of you today: “There is one thing you lack?” Is he perhaps asking for

even more love, more generosity, more sacrifice? Yes, the love of Christ involves

generosity and sacrifice. To follow Christ and to serve the world in his name

requires courage and strength. There is no place for selfishness – and no place

for fear! Do not be afraid, then, when love makes demands. Do not be afraid

when love requires sacrifice.

To each one of you I say, therefore: Heed the call of Christ when you hear

him saying to you: “Follow me!” Walk in my path! Stand by my side! Remain in

my love! There is a choice to be made: a choice for Christ and the way of life,

and his commandment of love.


6 The Meaning of Vocation – St John Paul II – Scepter Publishers – Princeton, NJ – 1997 – pg 18.12




July 12, 2024
Event Category: