From a sermon by St John Henry Newman
“Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and
for your other infirmities”. This is a remarkable verse, because it accidentally tells
us so much. It is addressed to Timothy, St Paul’s companion, the first Bishop of
Ephesus. Of Timothy we know very little, except that he did minister to St Paul,
and hence we might have inferred that he was a man of very saintly character; but
we know little or nothing of him, except that he had been from a child a careful
reader of Scripture…
Timothy…had so read the Old Testament, and had so heard from St Paul the
New, that he was a true follower of the Apostle, as the Apostle was of Christ. St Paul
accordingly calls him “my own son”, or “my true son in the faith”. And elsewhere
he says to the Philippians that he has “no man like-minded to Timothy, who would
naturally” or truly “care for their state”… St Paul does not expressly tell us that he
was a man of mortified habits; but he reveals the fact indirectly by cautioning him
against an excess of mortification. “Drink no longer water,” he says, “but use a little
wine.” It should be observed that wine, in the southern countries, is the ordinary
beverage; it is nothing strong or costly. Yet even from such as this, Timothy was in
the habit of abstaining, and restricting himself to water; and, as the Apostle
thought, imprudently, to the increase of his “frequent infirmities.”
There is something very striking in this accidental mention of the private
ways of this Apostolic Bishop. We know indeed from history the doctrine and the
life of the great saints, who lived some time after the Apostles’ age; but we are
naturally anxious to know something more of the Apostles themselves and their
associates. We say, “Oh that we could speak to St Paul – that we could see him in his
daily walk, and hear his…teaching! – that we could ask him what he meant by this
expression in his Epistles, or what he thought of this or the other doctrine.” This is
not given to us. God might give us greater light than He does; but it is His gracious
will to give us the less. Yet perhaps much more has been given us in Scripture, as it
has come to us, than we think, if our eyes were enlightened to discern it there. Such,
for instance, is this text; it is a sudden revelation, a glimpse of the personal
character of Apostolic Christians; it is a hint which we may follow out. For no one
will deny that a very great deal of doctrine, and a very great deal of precept, goes
with such a fact as this: namely, that this holy man, without impiously disparaging
God’s creation, and thanklessly rejecting God’s gifts, yet, on the whole, lived a life
of abstinence.
I cannot understand why such a life is not excellent in a Christian now, if it
was the characteristic of Apostles and friends of Apostles then. I really do not see
why the trials and persecutions, which surrounded them from Jews and Gentiles,
their forlorn despised state, and their necessary discomforts, should not even have
exempted them from voluntary sufferings in addition, unless such self-imposed
hardships were pleasing to Christ. Such were the holy men of old. How far are we
below them! Alas for our easy sensual life, our cowardice, our sloth! Is this the way
by which the kingdom of God is won?