Vigils Reading – St Anthony of Padua

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Vigils Reading – St Anthony of Padua

June 13, 2024

From the Little Flowers of St Francis of Assisi5

At one time that wonderful vessel of the Holy Spirit, St Anthony of Padua, one of the chosen followers and companions of St Francis, whom St Francis used to call his vicar, was preaching before the Pope and Cardinals in a consistory where there were people from different countries–Greeks and Latins, French and Germans, Slavs and English–and others of many different languages and idioms. And being inflamed by the Holy Spirit and inspired with apostolic eloquence, he preached and explained the word of God so effectively, devoutly, subtly, clearly, and understandably that all who were assembled at that consistory, although they spoke different languages, clearly and distinctly heard and understood every one of his words as if he had spoken in each of their languages. Therefore they were all astounded and filled with devotion, for it seemed to them that the former miracle of the Apostles at the time of Pentecost had been renewed, when by the power of the Holy Spirit they spoke in different languages.

And in amazement they said to one another: “Is he not a Spaniard? How then are we all hearing him in the language of the country where we were born–we Greeks and Latins, French and Germans, Slavs and English, Lombards and foreigners?” The Pope also was astonished at St Anthony’s profound knowledge of Holy Scripture and said: “He is truly the Ark of the Covenant and the Treasury of Holy Scripture!”

Such then are the soldiers whom our leader St Francis had–companions who could nourish with the marrow of the Holy Spirit and arm with heavenly weapons against the snares of the enemy not only the flock of Christ but also the Vicar of Christ with his venerable College of Cardinals. To the glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed forever and ever.

5 Trans., Raphael Brown “Omnibus of Sources”, Chicago, 1973, pp. 1390-91.


June 13, 2024
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