Vigils Reading – St Cecilia

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Vigils Reading – St Cecilia

November 22, 2024



From a homily by Fr Ronald Knox6


The legends of the early Roman saints, among whom St Cecilia is

numbered, do not always command great attention from the critically minded

historian. But whether the story of St Cecilia as it is told in her acts is all true or

only partly true, there is a simplicity about the whole story and a simplicity

about St Cecilia’s character in the story which demands a retelling. Let me

remind you in the most general way of her story: how she was married to a

young pagan called Valerian, but persuaded him to respect her vow of virginity,

because her guardian angel would make him sorry for it if he did otherwise; how

Valerian wanted to see this guardian angel, but Cecilia, with her innocent craft,

said he could not do that unless he was baptized first; how he was baptized, and

saw the angel at her side as she prayed; how he made a convert of his brother

Tiburtius, and how first the two brothers, and then Cecilia herself were

punished with death for professing the Christian religion. It is an old story, and

a familiar one: and while we do all homage to other great saints for their public

witness to Christ, we shall always need St Cecilia as well, quietly working at

home for the conversion of her own husband and his family.

Not that St Cecilia herself was in the position of a modern wife. Like so

many Christian ladies of her time, she had taken, in imitation of our blessed

Lady, a vow of perpetual virginity. These virgin martyrs were martyrs because

they were virgins: it was because they insisted on keeping their vow when their

parents wished them to marry that the secret of their attachment to the

Christian faith was discovered; and it was their persistency in maintaining it

that led to their martyrdom. It would be hard to estimate, I think, how much the

unpopularity in Roman society of the Christian faith owed to its tradition of

virginity. Virginity is an ideal which the pagan had no right to misunderstand.

For, in theory, they, too, honored it; and it should have commended itself to

their heathen instinct for sacrifice. For the point of a sacrifice is that the victim

should be spotless, the best of its kind. You must offer not what you can well

afford to spare, but what will cost you something. That is the pagan idea of

sacrifice; and the Christian idea of sacrifice is based on the same principle. In

order to give up something to God, we forgo, not the sinful pleasures which we

have no right to in any case, but the lawful pleasures which he has given us to

enjoy if we will.

So, let St. Cecilia’s feast remind us to take our Christian vocation

seriously, to follow out in our lives the words we profess with our lips. And may

this Roman maiden pray for us who worship here and for those who minister to

us, that when Christ, the Master she served, comes again in judgment, we may

be found blameless before almighty God.


November 22, 2024
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