Vigils Reading – St Martin of Tours

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Vigils Reading – St Martin of Tours

November 11, 2023


From a homily by St Aelred of Rievaulx7


Today Christ mercifully raised up Martin to the joys of the kingdom of heaven… Martin, this poor and modest one, enters heaven a rich man. Happy and necessary, voluntary poverty, which scorns the world, flees vainglory, restrains luxury of the flesh, nourishes self-control, fosters sobriety, and inflames love of God in the human heart, happily attains eternal reward without hindrance. Blessed Martin loved this, preferred it to riches and status; on account of this he scorned thepalaces of kings, he discarded his soldier’s belt. But after corporeal military service, he transferred himself to the spiritual battle and, girded with the sword of God, vigorously fought the wars of his God, fighting against flesh and blood and the leaders of darkness.

So not long after his conversion, on a journey he came to meet a spiteful spirit who envied his sanctity and the glory of his merits, and as an adversary threatened the holy man wherever he went. But the Lord’s man Martin, fervent with charity and filled with faith, despised the horrible beast, taking refuge in God’s garrison and saying, “The Lord is my helper; I do not fear your threats.” Great was the fortitude of this athlete of the Lord, who while near to death looked at the devil, who was standing nearby, and did not fear. Recalling his past life, and discovering nothing in his conscience about which our adversary the devil should boast… he proclaimed, “What are you doing here, you bloodthirsty beast? Nothing in me… will you discover. May the bosom of Abraham receive me.”

This true Israelite, in whom there is no guile, ought to be honored. For if we diligently examine his life and behavior, he was fervent in charity, strong in faith, frequent in prayer, perfect in humility, eager in obedience, truthful in speech, efficacious in deed, powerful in the accomplishment of miracles… I do not find anyone after the apostles who could be compared to blessed Martin in virtues, in miracles, in signs and wonders.

So that we may glean a few things about many matters, fringes of his clothing and threads of that goat-hair garment liberated many <people> from various illnesses. Beautiful and pleasing to God was the praise of God in Martin’s mouth, who cleansed a leper by a kiss…at the gate of the city of Paris… Indeed, rightly enough through the touch of his mouth the leprosy was put to flight, because the law of his God was in his heart. His mouth contemplated wisdom, because there was“never anything on his mouth except peace, except Christ, except compassion.”

He gave light to the blind, restored hearing to the deaf, healed paralytics, raised the dead, commanded flames, trees, birds, and beasts. Martin the priest of God worked these and many other boundless signs and wonders while he still lived in the mortal flesh. Therefore, what great things do we believe that he can do now that he is joined to his Creator, from whom he received so that he was capable of these and similar things? Certainly, as I may truly confess, he is capable of all things in God the all-powerful, to whom now he eternally adheres, because he has served him faithfully, in person, regarding temporal matters…

Therefore protect us, chosen and beloved priest of God, Martin, so that with your merits lending support, may we deserve to attain to that blessed rest that today you have happily entered..

7 Aelred of Rievaulx. The Liturgical Sermons: The Reading-Cluny Collection, 2 of 2. CF 87. Trans. Daniel Griggs. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2022. 306-308.




November 11, 2023
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