Vigils Reading – St Mary Magdalen

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Vigils Reading – St Mary Magdalen

July 22, 2024


From a sermon by Blessed Guerric of Igny2


Abraham exulted that he might see the day of Christ and by this token he

saw and rejoiced. You too, if you keep watch daily at the doors of wisdom,

steadfast at its threshold, if you stay awake through the night with Magdalen at

the entrance of his tomb, if I am not mistaken you will experience with Mary

how true are the words we read of the Wisdom which is Christ: “She is easily

seen by those who love her and she is found by those who seek her. She

anticipates those who desire her and shows herself to them first. He who, as

soon as it is light, keeps watch for her will not have to toil, for he will find her

seated at his doors.” So did Christ, Wisdom himself, promise in the words: “I

love those who love me, and they who from early morning keep watch for me

will find me.”

Mary found Jesus in the flesh. For this she was keeping watch… You, who

no longer ought to know Jesus according to the flesh but according to the spirit,

will be able to find him spiritually if you seek him with a [similar] desire, if he

finds you likewise vigilant in prayer. Say then to the Lord Jesus with the desire

and the affection of Mary: “My soul has longed for you during the night, my

spirit too, deep within me; from early morning I will keep watch for you”. Say

with the voice and the mind of the Psalmist: “God, my God, for you as soon as

it is light I keep watch, my soul is athirst for you”. And see if it is not your lot

to sing with him: “We have been filled early in the morning with your mercy,

we have exulted and been delighted”.

Keep watch then, brethren, intent in prayer; keep watch and carefully

guard your actions; especially since the morning of that day which has no sunset

has already shone upon us. For already eternal light has come back to us from

the nether regions, more serene and more pleasing, and the morning has given

its welcome to the newly restored Sun. Indeed it is time now for us to arise from

sleep; the night has passed away, while the day has drawn near. Keep watch, I

say, that the morning light may rise for you, that is Christ, whose coming forth

has been made ready like the dawn, ready to renew often the mystery of the

morning of his resurrection in those who keep watch for him. Then you will sing

with jubilant heart: “God the Lord has shone upon us… For then he will give you

a glimpse of the light which he has hidden in his hands, telling his friend that it

is his possession and he can attain to it.


2 “Sermon 35: the Third Sermon for Easter”

, Liturgical Sermons, vol. 2 (CF 32), Spencer, MA: Cistercian Publications,

1971, pp. 93f.5





July 22, 2024
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