Vigils Reading – St William of Bourges

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Vigils Reading – St William of Bourges

January 10, 2024



From “In the Valley of Wormwood” by Thomas Merton4


Seek peace and follow after her. The search for interior and exterior peace,

for himself and for others, is more or less the dominating theme of…Saint William

of Bourges… William de Donjean came from the family of the Counts of Nevers and

was born at the castle of Arthel near Nevers, probably about 1140… Going on to

Paris where he completed his studies for the priesthood, he became a canon there

also, but he renounced all that a brilliant career in the Church held out to him and

retired to the strictest Order he could find: the Order of Grandmont… After a short

golden age…the Order of Grandmont fell into a decline…notorious in the Church

for its incessant internal quarrels, dissensions, rebellions and scenes of violence…

About the time Saint William became a member of the Order, matters had already

reached a crisis… Having entered the Order about 1164, and made his profession,

he left it again about 1170. The peace he had sought, and which the Rule of

Grandmont had seemed to promise, was not to be found here. He made his way to

the Cistercian abbey of Pontigny…

Saint William so impressed all with his virtues and talents that he was soon

chosen as Prior of Pontigny. Some years later, about 1184, he became abbot of

Fountains-Jean, a thriving community of over two hundred monks with many lay

brothers, but he did not remain there long. In 1188 he was abbot of Chalis. He was

the admiration of all for his sanctity which made itself evident by the extraordinary

interior peace and spiritual joy which he radiated and which affected all who came

in contact with them…

The fame of his virtues and sanctity made it impossible for him to remain

longer in the cloister which he loved… In 1199 the Cathedral Chapter of Bourges,

having come to a deadlock in their efforts to select a new archbishop, drew up a list

that included several Cistercian abbots and submitted it to Odo of Sully, Bishop of

Paris, with the intention of accepting his choice as final… The archbishop…placed

three of the best names on slips of paper under the altar cloth while he said Mass,

and then afterwards in the presence of two other bishops, he took one of the papers.

The name on it was William of Chalis… Saint William made himself remarkable

from the very outset as a prelate who refused to maintain a private army and resort

to force in order to keep order in his diocese… William relied first on the example

of a life of uncompromising abnegation and ceaseless prayer and then on preaching

of the word of God and showing mercy and pardon to his enemies…

On the feast of the Epiphany, 1209, Saint William must have had a

presentiment that his end was near… He received the Body of Christ…kneeling on

the floor with his arms out in the form of a cross. After that… he entered into his

agony. He was then taken from his bed and placed on a haircloth and heap of ashes

in the middle of the floor, according to the Cistercian usages, and there he gave up

his soul to God…

His process was introduced, strangely enough, not at the suggestion of the

Cistercians but of the Grandmontines. The Prior of Grandmont, speaking of his

own memory of Saint William as a member of that Order, praised his holiness of

life to Innocent III at the Fourth Lateran Council… Saint William’s canonization

took only nine years… It was completed in 1218… At the present day…his life is

practically unknown. Yet he is one of our greatest saints, and we have much to

reflect upon and imitate in his perfection of Christ-like charity and apostolic love

of souls, which seeks to win men to the kingdom of God by love and mercy and

purity of life and prayer….


4 Merton, Thomas. In the Valley of Wormwood – Cistercian Blessed and Saints of the Golden Age. CS 233. Ed. Patrick Hart.

Collegeville, MN: Cistercian Publications, 2013. 19-20, 22-24, 26, 28-30.9




January 10, 2024
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