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August 17, 2023


From the writing of Servant of God Dolindo Ruotolo 5

I am writing to you in the light of the Holy Rosary, the prayer that brings us
so close to Our Lord. With this prayer… Mary Most Holy comes to meet Christians
in the same way that she meets them at Lourdes, Fatima, Tre-Fontane and any
other place where She appeared. She comes with all the riches of the mysteries of
the Life, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord. Do we not honor the wheat
that is used for the Sacrament of the Eucharist? The Rosary is a granary of Graces.
Do we not honor the grapes used for… the Eucharist? The Rosary is the vineyard
that produces the fruits of Jesus and Mary. It has been and still is the vineyard of
God and the fullness of life for us.

Mary Most Holy wanted the beads to be called a Rosary, that is, a rosebush.
Roses bloom in the mild weather, but they remain in bloom all year round. The
same is true of the Rosary for Christian people. The Rosary is newly born every
day. It is a rosebush that we daily offer to God, much as incense was offered to God,
on an altar of gold, in ancient times… It is a heavenly garland of precious pearls, in
which every part affords a treasure of Indulgences and assurance of mercy for the
merits of Jesus and Mary…

Who can recall well the Mysteries of our Redemption without the Rosary?
The secret of our interior life is in the recalling of the mysteries… Amid the
disharmony of our chaotic lives, the Rosary is the instrument, the harp or the
psaltery with its ten chords for each group of harmonies. With the Rosary we
continually raise a song of love from earth… It is a bright cloud of spirituality, rising
from every home and every heart. Does not the harpist play music written by a
master? Does he not go over it again and again, with his finger on the chords,
making the sweet sounds, written from the heart and produced by the press of his
fingers? Well then, so do we. We recite the Rosary going over the keys of love
flowering from the life of Jesus and Mary in the mysteries of their life. On the beads
of the Rosary we sing those canticles of love that redeemed us.

As an army has its march music, marking the time for the soldiers, so does
the Rosary lovingly mark time for the Church Militant. It is like the clashing of the
trumpets accompanying the siege of Jericho and it shook its walls to the

O Most Holy Rosary, the incense kindled by Mary Most Holy, you are the
fragrance mixed by Her with the art of master, because the Joyful, Sorrowful,
Luminous and Glorious Mysteries raise a fragrant cloud of the prayer. O Most Holy
Rosary, may your flowers bloom on the desolate flowerbeds of unbelievers and let
simple and lively Faith come to bloom again.

5 Ruotolo, Dolindo. Meditations on the Holy Rosary of Mary. Trans. Giovanna Invitti Ellis. Selfpublished online, 2006. www.donlindo.org. Accessed: April 20, 2022.


August 17, 2023
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