Archives: Events

Vigils Reading – 5th Sun ORD

Let Your Light Shine Before All1 A commentary by St John Chrysostom We who have once for all clothed ourselves […]

Vigils Reading

On the Love of God3 From a sermon by Alan of Lille ...John says: ‘God is love, and he who […]

Vigils Reading

Here and Now5 From the Selected Writings of Servant of God Dorothy Day Sometimes the only thing that keeps a […]

Vigils Reading – St Scholastica

Scholastica’s Miracle from Saint Gregory the Great’s Dialogues ...Will there ever be a holier man in this world than St. […]


Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 6th Week in Ordinary Time Mass Readings: Sunday (A), Weekdays (I) February 12 - […]

Vigils Reading – 6th Sun ORD

Go First to be Reconciled to Your Brother A Sermon by Aelred of Rievaulx Let us prepare ourselves to take […]

Vigils Reading

Serve Nobly From the Letters of the 13th Century Beguine nun, Hadewijch Consider now all the things you have failed […]