Archives: Events

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Love Your Enemies1 A Commentary by Walter Hilton When love acts in the soul it does so wisely and gently, […]

Reading: Weekday

An Excerpt from The Practice of the Presence of God 2 by Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection …A soul depends […]

Reading: St. Peter Damian

A Letter from Peter Damian to Rainerius II, marquis of Monte S. Maria 3 To Sir Rainerius, the illustrious marquis, […]

Reading: Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday 4 by Thomas Merton …Lent is not a season of punishment so much as one of healing… a […]


Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 1st Week of Lent Mass Readings: Sunday (A), Weekdays (I) February 26 - March […]

Vigils Reading

I Ask Not for Thy Gifts but for Thyself An Excerpt from “Meditations and Prayers” by Evelyn Underhill Adoration, as […]