Archives: Events

Lenten Weekday

REND YOUR HEARTS, BUT KEEP YOUR GARMENTS WHOLE From a sermon by St Bernard of Clairvaux 3 ◊◊◊ If you […]

Lenten Weekday

CAST YOUR CARE UPON THE LORD From a sermon by St Leo the Great 4 ◊◊◊ Apostolic teaching, Beloved, exhorts […]

Chair of St. Peter

THE CHAIR OF ST PETER By St John Henry Newman 5 ◊◊◊ The very first act of the Apostles after […]

Lenten Weekday

BEHOLD, NOW IS THE ACCEPTABLE TIME From a sermon of St Aelred of Rievaulx 6 ◊◊◊ These forty days are […]

Lenten Weekday

GOD’S LOVE POURED OUT From a commentary by Origen 7 ◊◊◊ St. Paul has told us that the love of […]


Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 2nd Week of Lent Mass Readings: Sunday (B), Weekdays (II) February 25 - March […]

Vigils Reading

PRAYER AND FASTING By St Bernard of Clairvaux2 ◊◊◊ Notice in this Lenten observance how prayer and fasting assist each […]

Vigils Reading

TRUE REPENTANCE From a sermon by St Ambrose3 ◊◊◊ Behold now is the appointed time, in which you must confess […]

Vigils Reading

LOVE THE LORD WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART From a meditation by Dom Alban Boultwood4 ◊◊◊ In Chapter 49 of the […]