Archives: Events

Vigils Reading

THANKFULNESS IN OUR EVERYDAY LIVES From a sermon by St John Henry Newman6 ◊◊◊ It would be well if we […]

Vigils Reading – St Scholastica

THE LIFE OF ST SCHOLASTICA From Butler’s Lives of the Saints7 ◊◊◊ St Scholastica, who was St Benedict’s sister, traditionally […]

LCG Chicago

Welcome to our monthly meeting: by Zoom, at 9:00 am CT on the second Saturday of each month. We will […]

Skema: 6th Week in Ordinary Time

Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 6th Week in Ordinary Time Mass Readings: Sunday (B), Weekdays (II) February 11 - […]

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

PURIFIED BY FAITH From a commentary by Paschasius Radbertus 1 ◊◊◊ However great our sinfulness, each one of us can […]

Blessed Humbeline

BLESSED HUMBELINE From the Life of St Bernard 2 ◊◊◊ From earliest childhood Humbeline and Bernard had been drawn together […]

Office For the Dead

CHRIST WILL DRAW ALL PEOPLE TO HIMSELF From a sermon by St Athanasius of Antioch 3 ◊◊◊ "To this end […]

Ash Wednesday

RETURN WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART From a homily by St Faustus of Riez 4 ◊◊◊ Our Lord and Savior exhorts […]

Friday After Ash Wednesday

THIS FAST OF FORTY DAYS From a sermon by St Maximus the Confessor 6 ◊◊◊ We must accept with all […]