Archives: Events

Skema: Fourth Week in Easter

Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 4th Week of Easter Mass Readings: Sunday (B), Weekdays (II) April 21 - 27, […]

4th Sunday in Easter

THE SHEPHERD OF OUR SOULS From a sermon by St John Henry Newman1 ◊◊◊ Our Lord here appropriates to Himself […]

Bl Maria Gabriella

MY ONLY DESIRE IS TO LOVE From the final letter of Blessed Maria Gabriella to her mother 2 ◊◊◊ I […]

Easter Weekday

JESUS IN THE HOLY EUCHARIST From the Spiritual Autobiography of St Charles de Foucauld 3 ◊◊◊ Lord Jesus, you are […]

Easter Weekday

THE NEW AGE OF THE RESURRECTION By Thomas Merton 4 ◊◊◊ The "new life," the life of the Spirit, life […]

St. Mark

ST MARK’S GOSPEL By Dom Damasus Winzen 5 ◊◊◊ In contrast to St Matthew, who starts his gospel with the […]

Easter Weekday

GOD CAME TO TEACH HUMILITY From a sermon by St Augustine 6 ◊◊◊ Pride is the source of all diseases, […]

Bl Raphael Arnaiz Baron

SIMPLICITY OF HEART From the writings of St Rafael Arnaiz Baron 7 ◊◊◊ I see, Brother, that the path you […]

LCG Mentoring Meeting

Mentoring meeting for all LCG Mentors April 27, 2024 time to be announced

Skema – 5th Wk of Easter

Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 5th Week of Easter Mass Readings: Sunday (B), Weekdays (II) April 28 - May […]