Archives: Events


The Promises of Our Lord A Discourse by Symeon the New Theologian What then are the promises of our Lord […]

Memorial of BVM

On the Mother of God A Meditation by St Silouan the Athonite When the soul abides in the love of […]


Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 2nd Week in Ordinary Time Mass Readings: Sunday (A), Weekdays (I) January 15 - […]

Vigils Reading – 2nd Sun ORD

A Commentary on the Gospel of John1 by Cyril of Alexandria When he saw Jesus coming toward him, John said: […]

Vigils Reading – St Anthony

The Ascetical Discourse of St. Anthony from the Life of Anthony by St Athanasius All the monks were one day […]

Vigils Reading

A Reading on the Path to Christian Discipleship by Isaac of Stella We were enemies of God, “slaves of sin, […]

Vigils Reading

Faith, Hope and Charity Operating in the Soul by William of St Thierry A man begins at faith. During the […]

Vigils Reading – St Agnes

St Agnes, Virgin and Martyr From Butler’s Lives of the Saints Rome was the scene of triumph...She suffered perhaps not […]