Archives: Events

Vigils Reading

WHEN A PERSON’S MIND IS TOUCHED BY GOD From the mystical discourse between God and St Hildegard of Bingen6 ◊◊◊ […]


Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 14th Week in Ordinary Time Mass Readings: Sunday (A), Weekdays (I) July 9 - […]

Vigils Reading – 14th Sun ORD

GENTLE AND HUMBLE OF HEART A commentary attributed to St John Chrysostom1 ◊◊◊ Our Master is always the same, gentle […]

Vigils Reading

RELIGION IN A FREE SOCIETY By Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel2 ◊◊◊ Little does contemporary religion ask of man. It is […]

Vigils Reading – St Benedict

BENEDICT’S DISCIPLES ARE FOREWARNED OF HIS DEATH From “The Dialogues” of St Gregory the Great3 ◊◊◊ In the year that […]

Vigils Reading

HEAL THE SICK; CAST OUT THE DEMONS An address by Paul Tillich to his graduating seminarians4 ◊◊◊ People often ask, […]

Vigils Reading – St Bonaventure

WHEN THROUGH ECSTASY OUR AFFECTION PASSES OVER ENTIRELY INTO GOD From the writings of St Bonaventure7 ◊◊◊ Christ is the […]