Archives: Events

Vigils Reading

THE UNITY OF SPIRIT AND MATTER By Karl Rahner5 ◊◊◊ The history of the angels and the history of the […]


Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 13th Week in Ordinary Time Mass Readings: Sunday (B), Weekdays (II) June 30 - […]

Vigils Reading – 13th Sunday

THE DEAD WILL RISE From a commentary by St Peter Chrysologus1 ◊◊◊ Every gospel reading, beloved, is most helpful for […]

Vigils Reading

THE DEEPEST NEED OF ALL From “The Eternal Promise” by Thomas Kelly2 ◊◊◊ Is God your passion? Do you long […]

Vigils Reading

WHEN THE LORD CRIES OUT IN OUR HEARTS From “Homilies on the Prophetic Burdens of Isaiah” by St Aelred of […]

Vigils Reading – St Thomas

WHY DID THOMAS DEMAND PROOF? From a commentary by St Peter Chrysologus4 ◊◊◊ When Thomas heard from his fellow disciples […]

Vigils Reading

THE SOCIAL TEACHING OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH From a pastoral letter of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops5 ◊◊◊ In […]

Vigils Reading

THE TAX COLLECTOR ABANDONED EARTHLY WEALTH From a homily by St Bede the Venerable6 ◊◊◊ Jesus saw a man called […]