LCG Governance and Management


Lay Cistercians of Gethsemani Abbey is an Illinois not-for-profit, tax exempt corporation incorporated in 2008 and managed by Advisory Council members, two from each of recognized local communities.  Our bylaws allow for an operating structure consistent with the lay Cistercian charism which guides and inspires our membership.

Council meetings are held twice yearly including one weekend at Gethsemani Abbey. Meeting minutes are available here.  Our Covenant of Unity guides the four elements of our community: relationship with the Gethsemani conventual community; our local communities; our members; and our Advisory Council.

We are a lay led and managed organization guided by the Cistercian charism and supported by Gethsemani Abbey and specially inspired by our three monastic advisors: Fr. Michael Casagram, Br. Frederic Collins, and Br. Gregory Escardo.