Jn 15:18-21
Our gospel is not an easy one to interpret for today but it may be for this very reason, all the more one to reflect upon and let its wisdom speak to us.
Jesus telling us that “If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you” These words make me ask myself how they address the issues like abortion and those who are pro-choice on the one hand and on the other hand, our building a wall to prevent the poor and oppressed migrants from entering our country. And how do these words of Jesus apply to people going back to work to make a living, exposing themselves and their families to the virus and those saying they must stay at home to prevent further illness and death. We are being called to do some serious discernment in regard to climate change and what needs to be done if human life is going to continue to exist on this earth. More than ever we need to be honest if we are not going to follow the ways of the world but of Christ who is right in the middle of all this.
Are we willing to suffer persecution as he did? May God give us honest and discerning hearts so as to follow Christ into the fullness of life.