Greetings and peace in the Lord Jesus! Let us take a moment of quiet prayer.. Once again I am grateful to be able to share with you some reflections on Advent and I would like to do so in a more spontaneous way. I would also like to leave this sharing open to questions that may arise either during or after my reflections. This coming Season of Advent is always a special time of grace.
Let me suggest that this season sets the tone for the whole liturgical year. It is an effort to have all our Christian lives grounded in the mystery of the Incarnation, in God’s great love for us in taking on our human condition, sharing in all that we experience except for sin. I may have shared with you already that Ronald Rolheiser, in one of his books suggests that we are only beginning to understand the implications of what we have all accepted as part of our faith, the fact that in the fullness of time, the eternal Word of God took on our human reality and became flesh. Google the following:
Incarnation – God is with Us – Ron Rolheiser
So much of our life, it seems to me, is realizing the full impact of what we have heard and know by faith, that through Mary’s acceptance of the message of the angel Gabriel, God’s eternal Word took on our human flesh, entered fully into our human condition and struggles.
The mystery of the Incarnation was dear to the early Cistercians and in one sense, the most important mystery of our Christian faith for them. The reason for this, it seems to me, is that this mystery brought home to them the closeness of God in their everyday lives….
I have shared with many of you a saying from Meister Eckhart that
Here is the Article: