Archives: Events

Vigils Reading

THE EXPERIENCE OF FAITH By Hans Urs von Balthasar7 ◊◊◊ The analogy between the pre-Easter and the post Easter testimony […]


Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 6th Week of Easter Mass Readings: Sunday (B), Weekdays (II) May 5 - 11, […]

Vigils Reading

THE RESURRECTION OF ALL FLESH From “The Eternal Year” by Fr Karl Rahner2 ◊◊◊ We children of the earth may […]

Vigils Reading

THE SECRET OF THE LORD From a sermon by St John Henry Newman3 ◊◊◊ Our Lord expressly promises all Christians […]

Vigils Reading

WE ARE ALL WITNESSES By Fr Paul Evodokimov4 ◊◊◊ There are no half measures, no intermediary formulas. We are in […]

Vigils Reading

WE SCARCELY KNOW OURSELVES From the writing of Servant of God Dorothy Day5 ◊◊◊ Much as we want to, we […]

Skema: 7th Week of Easter

  Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 7th Week of Easter Mass Readings: Sunday (B), Weekdays (II) May 12 - […]