Archives: Events

Vigils Reading – St John Chrysostom

ST CHRYSOSTOM’S CHARM From "Historical Sketches” by St John Henry Newman1 ◊◊◊ Whence this devotion to St. John Chrysostom, which […]


Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 24th Week in Ordinary Time Mass Readings: Sunday (B), Weekdays (II) September 15 - […]

Vigils Reading – 24th Sunday

FOLLOWING CHRIST From a commentary by Caesarius of Arles1 ◊◊◊ When the Lord tells us in the gospel that anyone […]

Vigils Reading

THE CHURCH AND ITS MINISTERS From a sermon by St Bernard of Clairvaux1 ◊◊◊ "Our bed is covered with flowers; […]

Vigils Reading

PREPARING A THRONE FOR THE MOST HIGH From a sermon by Blessed Guerric of Igny1 ◊◊◊ is to be not […]