Archives: Events

Vigils Reading – St Matthew

ST MATTHEW, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST From “The Saints” by John Coulson1 ◊◊◊ Few people love the tax collector... Much more […]


Biblical Readings for Office and Mass 25th Week in Ordinary Time Mass Readings: Sunday (B), Weekdays (II) September 22 - […]

Vigils Reading – 25th Sunday

THE MOST ESTEEMED BY CHRIST From a commentary by Theophylact of Ohrid1 ◊◊◊ As he was teaching his disciples the […]

Vigils Reading

BE READY TO MEET THE LORD From a sermon by Blessed Guerric of Igny1 ◊◊◊ By comparison with the evil […]

Vigils Reading

THE ESCHATOLOGICAL CHARACTER OF THE PILGRIM CHURCH From the encyclical Lumen Gentium1 ◊◊◊ The Church, to which we are called […]