Homilette – Abbot Elias – Presentation of the Lord, Feb. 2, 2021

Homilette – Abbot Elias – Presentation of the Lord, Feb. 2, 2021

Homilette – Presentation of the Lord, Feb. 2, 2021

Presentation 2021
As I mentioned on Sunday, our own Aelred was something of a specialist on this feast. In a sermon from his later years, he has this to say about the meaning of our procession with candles:

This light, which we carry in our hands as an offering to God in this annual custom, has a triple significance: first, that we might be inflamed by the light of true faith; second, that we might practice shining works of virtue; third, that we might firmly hold a sure hope about the fruit of our reward.(S.101.1; CF 81:83)

Notice how he situates us here: we come forward, carrying the light in our hands, like the parents of Jesus, carrying the Light of World in their arms, to present him in the temple.

The first meaning of the gesture is “that we might be inflamed by the light of true faith.” Just as Jesus is the light and brings light into the world, so faith fills our inner world with light.

The second meaning is “that we might practice shining works of virtue.” We only reflect and spread this precious gift of light through practice: the constant work of changing, progressing, and growing in charity, the brightest virtue.

The third meaning is “that we might firmly hold a sure hope about the fruit of our reward.” The light is something we need to hold on to going forward. It shines far ahead of us and lights the way.

Perhaps this third meaning is the one most needed just now, when confidence in the future is at a low ebb. A big part of hope is going forward, as in procession, neither empty-handed nor alone.
