Homily – Fr. Michael Casagram 3/10/24 – Comparing Ourselves to Others

Homily – Fr. Michael Casagram 3/10/24 – Comparing Ourselves to Others

+(Intro) We will hear in our gospel this morning that everyone who exalts himself or herself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself or herself will be exalted. We all know how easy it is to compare ourselves with others and to think ourselves superior, so as we begin this Eucharist let us be mindful of our sins and ask God’s pardon.

(After the Gospel) As monks or as serious Christian, we seek to dedicate our lives entirely to God. This is healthy but there is always the danger of becoming like the Pharisee in our gospel, thinking of ourselves as not like the rest of humanity. We can set a high standard for ourselves but begin to compare ourselves with others.

But then, as we learn to become aware and look more carefully at those thoughts that arise from deep down within our hearts, we cry out to God to be merciful to us as sinners. To do so is to open ourselves to God’s sustaining love, to know our need for divine grace all day long.

To do so is to realize as the prophet Hosea did, that God “desires, not sacrifice, knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.”  And this knowledge is not so much of the intellect, as it is of a heart filled with the Holy Spirit, allowing the Lord Jesus to live in us throughout the day.

(Hosea 6:1-6; Luke 18:9-14)