Reflection – Fr. Michael Casagram 1/28/25

Reflection – Fr. Michael Casagram 1/28/25

+(Intro) Each of us is being asked to enter into the sacrifice of Christ each day. The love of God shown us in his Son Jesus, is the love that sustains the whole of our lives as Christians. Let us reflect a moment on those ways we fail to let this Love fill the whole of our lives.

(After the gospel) Thomas Aquinas is certainly one of the finest theologians of all time. Merton at one point complained that it is unfortunate that Thomas Aquinas is read by almost no one anymore but for this gave monks a splendid reason for reading him.

There was a point toward the end Aquinas’ life when during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist something happened to him that impressed him so deeply that afterwards, he spoke very little and ceased all formal teaching and writing. It is said that he hung up his writing materials even though he was in the middle of writing the third part of his Summa. When one of his closest friends, Brother Reginald, urged him to continue writing, Thomas told him, “Reginald, I can’t do it. Everything I have written seems but straw to me compared to what I have seen and has been revealed to me.”

These words, like those of our gospel caught off guard those closest to him as Jesus’ words to his disciples  “whoever does the will of God is my brother, my sister and mother” must have done. May we let ourselves enter fully into the mystery we celebrate.

Heb 10:1-10; Mark 3:31-35