+(Intro) God has established a covenant with us and all of creation but we forget this relationship or ignore it. We are made in God’s very own image and likeness. So let us acknowledge our sins and ask for God’s loving forgiveness.
(After the Gospel) The dialogue that goes on between Jesus and his beloved disciples is one that still goes on in each of our lives as we come to terms with who Jesus is. None of us is keen on suffering for our faith and how difficult this can be at times, to fully embrace the hardship of being disciples of a suffering Messiah.
The mystery of suffering is never far from any of our lives and what we do with it makes all the difference in the kind of persons we become. It takes a lot of love to embrace this mystery and let it be formative in all we do. But this is what allows us to truly become the children of God we are destined to be.
Gen 9:1-13; Mark 8:27-33