Reflection – Fr. Michael Casagram 2/28/25

Reflection – Fr. Michael Casagram 2/28/25

+(Intro) We will hear in our first reading this morning that a faithful friend is one who stands with us in times of distress. Let us pause a moment to reflect on those times when we have failed to stand with a brother or sister in their times of distress.

(After the gospel) Our gospel presents us with Jesus affirming what the book of Sirach told about truly loving relationships. His response to the Pharisees about how Moses “permitted a husband to write a bill of divorce and dismiss” a wife revealed the hardness of their hearts and it speaks volumes about the sacredness of our human relationships.

What God joins together in true love as husband and wife and the two become one flesh, no human being is ever allowed to separate. True love reflects the very life of the Holy Trinity and whether it be a relationship between a husband and wife or that of friends among brothers or sisters, it is sacred in the eyes of God. True love is to last for all eternity and may we all be blessed with just such a love in this life and in the world to come.

Sir 6:5-17; Mark 10:1-12