Reflection – Fr. Michael Casagram – Tuesday of Holy Week

Reflection – Fr. Michael Casagram – Tuesday of Holy Week

+Jesus and his disciples are gathered around a table in fellowship and love. But Jesus finds himself deeply troubled because he is about to be betrayed. There is an intimacy about Simon Peter nodding to the disciple whom Jesus loved reclining at his side. Hardly has Judas received the morsel that Jesus dipped and gave to him, when he leaves the table.

Jesus knew full well what was about to happen and rather than focus on its tragic outcome, he tells his disciples: “Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him…” Judas’ betrayal will end in glory. Faith alone allows us in our own lives to see the divine design, the final outcome amid human failure. Conflicts in our Church, in our world like the war in Ukraine will end in glory if we as Christians are true to living in faith, hope and love.

Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38