+Jesus is ever opening and widening our horizons! He tells the crowd that it was not Moses who gave the true bread from heaven, for the bread that God gives is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.
Jesus identified himself with this true bread that gives us everlasting life. Stephen manifested in our first reading, what it is to live by this bread when he cries out as he is being stoned: “Lord do not hold this sin against them.” The one who comes to Jesus is filled with God’s very own love and will never hunger or thirst again.
Whatever the daily circumstances of our lives, to turn to him, is to be nourished all day long, to have a share in God’s very own life and activity. Celebrating this Eucharist daily, we show our faith in this great exchange and allow our own deepest hunger and thirst to be satisfied.
Acts 7:51-8:1a; John 6:30-35