Homilette – Fr. Michael Casagram, 7/22/23

Homilette – Fr. Michael Casagram, 7/22/23

+Much has been written and said about Mary Magdalene and what stands out is her love for the Lord Jesus. So as we enter into the celebration of this feast let us be mindful of our own failings to this love that has been poured into our hearts.


Pope Francis raised today’s celebration from a memorial to a feast because of its importance in the life of the Church. Mary Magdalene is said to be the Apostle to the Apostles since she was the first to proclaim the good news of Christ’s resurrection. She stands out in a number of ways.

The first reading from the Song of Songs sums up her life is so many ways where it tells of the Bride who on her bed at night sought him whom her heart loved. It tells of her relentless search until she found him. What a beautiful sum of what our Christian and monastic lives entail.

Our gospel as well tells of Mary while it was still dark came to the tomb where Jesus has been laid to rest. Two angels appear to her but she is only interested in where they have taken her Lord. Jesus appears to her but she thinks him the gardener. When he calls her name, she recognizes him. So it is with each of us for it is only when he calls each of us by name do we realize how close he is to our lives. The rest is history.

Song 3:1-4b;  Jn 20:1-2, 11-18