Homilette given Sat. April 22nd at the Eucharist

Homilette given Sat. April 22nd at the Eucharist

Saturday homilette at the Eucharist, April 22nd

There is quite a contrast between our gospel this morning and the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles. Our gospel presents us with the first disciples having a hard time believing the message of Mary Magdalene about Jesus appearing to her. Then the two who met Jesus as they were walking on their way to Emmaus and told the others of their experience were also not believed. Jesus himself ends up rebuking the disciples when he appears to the Eleven as they were at table. Even as he does so, however, he tells them to go out into the whole world and proclaim the gospel.

Luke in Acts, shows us them doing this very thing in the face of opposition. So it is in our own lives as we see our weakness in faith and come to truly trust in the Lord. We become bold in all circumstances because we know that Christ, risen in glory, is at our side. In Jesus’ name we can do all things, face whatever conflicts that may arise in our lives, allow miracles to happen even in our own time.