Homily – Fr. Michael Casagram – 10/2/24

Homily – Fr. Michael Casagram – 10/2/24

+(Intro) This morning’s Eucharist will be for the repose of the soul of the mother of our Br Aaron. Normally it would be a memorial of the Guardian Angels and I’m thinking it still is for how many of our mothers have served as Guardians in our lives when we were most fragile and in need of loving care. So as we begin this Mass let us be mindful of those times when we have failed to be messengers of God’s loving kindness.

(After the Gospel) The book of Job this morning presents us with a God who moves mountains before they know it, shakes the earth out of its place and the pillars beneath it tremble. Job also tells us of a God who alone stretches out the heavens and treads upon the crests of the sea, who has made the Bear and Orion, Pleiades and the constellation of the south, who makes marvelous things beyond reckoning, like the loving care of a mother.

 Our gospel tells of Jesus asking for a total response if  we are going to follow him. Foxes have dens, birds of the sky have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head. Those he calls to follow him are to let their dead bury their dead so that they may go and proclaim the kingdom of God. One who sets a hand to the plow is never to look back if he or she is to be fit for the kingdom of God. God’s is to rule our hearts, absorb all our energy so that we may even now live in a world filled with a divine presence. May God give us the courage!

Job 9:1-12, 14-16; Luke 9:57-62