LCG Videoconference Compline: April 15, 2018

LCG Videoconference Compline: April 15, 2018


April 15, 2018, at 7:25 pm ET/6:25 pm Central


An important element of the Cistercian life is regular participation in the Daily Office and Community.  Come pray with LCG sisters and brothers at our monthly LIVE Compline service this Sunday.  At the same time our monks are praying Compline at Gethsemani Abbey.  Twenty inspiring minutes to help close your day with our monks and LCG members and friends.  Haven’t tried videoconference??  Take courage!  Give it a try; as many of our members have found: Almost as good as being at Gethsemani Abbey.

You are encouraged to join at 7:25 pm when Mike Gyulay (Spiritus) will lead a time of thanksgiving and prayer leading to the 7:30 Compline service:

  • Prelude – visit and background chant music;
  • Welcome, Affirmation, and Prayer by Mike Gyulay
  • Compline begins at 7:30 – together we pray the Office with the Monks of Gethsemani using the Abbey video
  • Depart to personal “grand silence” for the night

 ON YOUR COMPUTER (or phone), CLICK THE FOLLOWING MEETING IDENTIFIER: within seconds you will join.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16699006833,,468125941# or +14086380968,,468125941#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 468 125 941
International numbers available:

DON’T HAVE THE ZOOM APP? IT’S FREE!  EASILY DOWNLOAD THE ZOOM APP: Click the meeting identifier above; if not already a Zoom user you will be asked to download the Zoom app (takes about two minutes.)  You will find what other LCG members have found: a good way of connecting with sisters and brothers to better share our Cistercian life of the spirit.  Several of our LCG communities have successfully used Zoom—a videoconference application that you can quickly download on your computer or smartphone.
